When was the crossbow invented?
The crossbow was invented in ancient China and later adopted by the ancient Greeks and Romans. The crossbow was first used in warfare during the Battle of Crécy in 1346, and it became increasingly popular in Europe during the Hundred Years’ War. It continued to be used in warfare throughout the Renaissance and early modern period.
The crossbow is a weapon that consists of a bow mounted on a stock that is drawn back and released to fire a projectile. The basic design of the crossbow has remained unchanged for centuries, but there have been some minor variations in size, shape, and materials used.
The earliest evidence of the crossbow dates back to ancient China, where it was known as the “dan” or “shou”.Crossbows were first mentioned in Chinese writings from the 4th century BC. The Chinese general Zhu Ge Liang is credited with inventing the crossbow during the Warring States period.
The crossbow was later adopted by the ancient Greeks and Romans. The Roman writer Vegetius describes the use of crossbows in battle in his treatise De Re Militari, written around AD 375.
The crossbow continued to be used in warfare throughout the Renaissance and early modern period. It was especially effective against armored knights, as the heavy metal bolt could penetrate even the thickest armor.
The crossbow fell out of favor as a military weapon in the 18th century, but it has continued to be used for hunting and target shooting. Today, there are many different types of crossbows available, ranging from simple hunting bows to sophisticated compound bows.
The crossbow is a versatile weapon that can be used for hunting, target shooting, or even warfare. If you’re interested in learning more about this fascinating weapon, check out our articles on the history of the crossbow and how to choose the best crossbow for your needs.